Laboratory module is a laboratory database in which records are gathered after analyses have been completed. The database - along with the user interface - enables this data to be used both by the employees and by applications, which may automatically download this information and apply them in calculations.
For calculations as regards boiler efficiency, the results of analyses taken of the fuel burned are required, along with the ash and slag. This data, along with their time stamps, are downloaded by the application from the database.
Depending on the boiler size and fuel type, the calculations are carried out either by the direct method or by the loss method. For coal fired boilers, the efficiency is calculated by determining the main heat loss. In addition, the flue gas composition necessary for calculations is determined by iterative procedures.
As an example, the following parameters may be archived in the database:
Apart from the laboratory database, the module also contains two interfaces:
Making entries is authorised by inserting the individual's username and password
An example of a user interface of the laboratory module
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